The Woollacott Family Tree

My name is Richard Woollacott, and I live in North Oxfordshire, England. The name Woollacott comes from the County of Devon, where it goes back to the 14th century at least. Many Woollacotts still live in Devon, most appear to be in the farming business. Other branches of the farming side of the family have researched its genealogy back to the 14th century   

My branch of the family moved out of Devon in the 18th century to the London area. Due to the work of several people, notably Shirley Payne and Alan Dyke, I can trace my branch of the family back to just before 1700 to a Samuel Woollacott who lived and brought up a family in Bideford.  

Here however I am stuck! It seems possible that he arrived or probably returned to Devon from Ireland. He was a member of the Church in Bideford known as the Great Meeting Independent Chapel, now the United Reform Church. This building was constructed shortly after his arrival in Bideford, so it is possible that he was a founding member.


If you do, or if you have any other information on the family, please contact me.

Some names of  spouses are Neeves, Oliver, Chappell, Lush, Appleton and Hill.  If one of these names is in your family, perhaps there is a connection with mine?

My E-mail address is

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Last revised: Date 16.06.2019

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